
LifeWorks | Case Study

The Customer: LifeWorks

How LifeWorks reduced their licensing spend by $1 million with help from 3Quotes

LifeWorks is a world leader in providing digital and in-person solutions that support the total well-being of individuals. The company delivers a personalized continuum of care that helps its clients improve the lives of their people and, by doing so, improve their business.

The Goal

Stay on top of contract renewals to avoid costly ‘surprises’ with procurement services

When Kaytek Przybylski joined LifeWorks as CTO in late 2019, he saw opportunities to streamline IT procurement services to optimize cost management, stronger controls, and process efficiencies.

The LifeWorks technical team was spending significant time on software procurement services and didn’t always know if they were getting the best price or terms. They also found it challenging to manage a large number of contracts with a large number of vendors.

“We had a lot of ‘surprises’ around contracts and renewals,” said Kaytek. “We needed a way to stay on top of renewals so we could have time to negotiate for better terms or pricing.”

“Negotiating renewals at the last minute wasn’t a great use of our time. We needed a partner to handle our IT procurement so we could free up our time and focus on what we do best.”

Kaytek Przybylski, Chief Data and Technology Officer, LifeWorks

The Solution

Partner with 3Quotes for outsourced IT procurement

Kaytek spoke with a few vendors and partnered with 3Quotes for outsourced IT procurement. Here are three reasons why he chose 3Quotes for cost management:

Personalized service. The 3Quotes team was big enough to have the level of scale and expertise required to meet LifeWorks’ needs, but small enough to be very responsive and really get to know Kaytek’s team.

Real-time pricing data. The IT market is constantly changing. 3Quotes keeps up with what’s happening in the space and collects real-time data on what people pay for IT products and services. The 3Quotes team leverages this data—along with their relationships with leading vendors—to get LifeWorks the right solutions at the best price with cost management.

No financial risk. Kaytek spoke with several vendors who had a “pay first, and we save you money” policy. 3Quotes stands behind its results with a zero-risk payment model. Kaytek could pay 3Quotes only after they saved him money or improved his contract terms.

“With 3Quotes, there is no financial risk. Their model is performance-based, and we only pay them after we realize results.”

Kaytek Przybylski, Chief Data and Technology Officer, LifeWorks

In addition to cost savings, Kaytek appreciated how well 3Quotes managed the complex negotiations.

“Negotiations can be tense,” said Kaytek. “Since some of our vendors are also our customers, we need to handle things carefully. The 3Quotes team does a great job navigating these situations and keeping our relationships strong.”

The Results

Reduce licensing spending by $1 million

After the success of the initial negotiations, Kaytek slowly expanded his partnership with 3Quotes. He took a “crawl, walk, run” approach, starting with an initial 30 contracts and growing based on results.

Partnering with 3Quotes allowed LifeWorks to build solid IT procurement services and achieve the following results:

A dramatic reduction in licensing spending.
LifeWorks’ technical team realized the initial savings, as they purchased most of the company’s IT solutions. Other groups soon wanted to partner with 3Quotes to save time and money on their software contracts.
Streamlined governance and management processes.
3Quotes provided LifeWorks with a master list of contracts, vendors, terms, and renewal dates. With 3Quotes managing things, Kaytek doesn’t need to worry about ‘surprise’ renewals and the risk that comes with them.
Time savings.
In the past two years, LifeWorks has saved hundreds—or even thousands—of hours on tedious IT procurement services. With 3Quotes handling IT procurement, the LifeWorks technical team can stay focused on what they do best.

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Ready to save time, money, and frustration on IT procurement?

Don’t wait to partner with 3Quotes for your cost management and procurement services. We will help you optimize your business flow to reduce spending today. Contact our team to get started.